Almass is a DBS-checked international mentor and facilitator who specialises in pastoral care and creative career pathways.
Her background in residential counselling with children aged 8-12 years under the guidance of Professor Ousmane Power-Greene shapes her expansive and community-rooted outlook through interactive, engaging facilitation and intrinsic motivation.
With 10+ years in the creative industry, Almass teaches ideation methods, healthy creative freelancing and value-building workshops with university students, professional teams and individuals in 1-1 mentor sessions.
“Almass’ mentoring style of encouragement, 121 meetings and helping to connecting me with likeminded folk have been a massive support in the tough to crack creative industry. Almass helped me to direct the next steps to progress my creative career, but also in a meditative sense, urging me to check in with myself and my authentic self expression. Almass is the first person who showed me that creative freelancing was even possible and after 2 years of trying I am now a successful full time freelance creative. - Jojo Jones, Voices Radio
“I equip people with the skills to holistically and successfully manage themselves and their projects, increasing their chances of sustainable, long-term career paths and community integration. I love seeing my mentees and workshop participants transform over the course of our work together - the true measure of great collaborative effort”. - Almass